Friday, May 1, 2009

Honey, Islam and Your Health

Of all the medicines prescribed by the Prophet (S.A.W) honey is most commonly mentioned, perhaps because of the emphasis laid on it in the Qur’an. In fact, Islamic scholars, Muslim physicians and scientists and others have dissipated so much energy on this aspect of prophetic medicine that one can hardly believe that the prophet (S.A.W) ever prescribed or recommended any other medicine for use by the sick.
We must state without mincing words that honey deserves the recognition it enjoys among the Muslims. After all, the Qur’an has stated clearly that honey is a source of healing for mankind. The Prophet (S.A.W) did not only lay emphasis on its use, but also prescribed it for people. There was even an occasion when the prophet (S.A.W) repeatedly prescribed honey for a sick person four times until the latter was cured of his disease. This incident is reported in a hadith narrated by Abu Sa’id al-khudri where he said:
A man came to the Prophet (S.A.W.) and said: “My brother has some abdominal trouble”. The prophet (S.A.W) said to him, “My brother has some abdominal trouble.” The prophet (S.A.W) said to him, “Let him drink honey. “ The man came for the second time and the prophet (S.A.W) said to him. “Let him drink honey”. He came for the third time and the prophet (S.A.W) said, “Let him drink honey.” He returned again and said, “I have done that”. The prophet (S.A.W) then said. “Allah has said the truth, but your brother’s abdomen has told a lie. Let him drink honeys” so he made him drink honey and thus he was cured.

From the above naration, one can ascertain the efficacy of honey and the confidence the Prophet (S.A.W) had in it for the treatment of diseases. This underscores his mention of honey as the first among the three major forms of physical treatment, namely honey, cupping and cauterization. In the modern time, more facts about honey are being discovered by both Muslims and non -Muslims alike and all these facts point to its efficacy in the treatment and prevention of diseases. Sulaiman Shittu submits with facts that honey has both medicinal and spiritual qualities. We are concerned here with its medicinal properties. Many studies and researches have been carried out and continue to be carried out on honey and its medicinal properties. In fact, many thesis and dissertations have been written on honey while new textbooks on honey and its biochemical properties continue to emerge daily on the international scale.
In addition, buying and selling of honey is now considered as a lucrative trans-border and international trade and its production and preservation are now major concerns to many governments. In Nigeria for instance, honey or honey wax is now grouped to be among the nation’s mineral resources. It is a property of the Federal Government and it is a crime to burn honeybees for the purpose of harvesting honey.
All these developments clearly confirm the Qur’anic assertion that honey is a source of healing for mankind as it also lends credence to the Prophet’s recommendation of honey for curative and prophylactic uses.
To appreciate the curative qualities of honey, analyze it in three ways.
Its process of production
Its biochemical content
Its proven cases of efficiency.

It’s Process of Production.
As we have stated earlier, the Qur’an, has made it explicitly clear that the production of honey is carried out by the bees through divine inspiration. These small insects are divinely directed to different fruits, which they eat and digest in their bellies. Among fruits many are very useful to the human body while some are harmful and injurious. But, Allah, in His infinite mercies, directs the honey bees to those fruits that contain useful ingredients while they are divinely dissuaded from the ones that are harmful to man knowing fully well that man will eventually take the honey which is the by -product of these fruits. It is the bellies of the bees that serve as the factories in which the production takes place Allama Yusuf Ali comments on this thus:

The bee assimilates the juice of various kinds of flowers and fruits, and forms within its body the honey, which it stores in its cells of wax. The different kinds of foods from which it makes its honey give different colours to the honey e.g. it is dark-brown, light brown, yellow, white and so on. The taste and flavour also varies, as in the case of heather honey, the honey formed from scented flowers and so on. As food it is sweet and wholesome, and it is used in medicine.

We must quickly add that the colors of honey are determined by the place and time of its production. The honey produced in a neat and conducive atmosphere looks whitish. The one produced from yellow flowers looks yellowish. The same thing applies to the scent.

(ii) The Bio-Chemical Contents of Honey
Various researches conducted in the modern time by both medical and paramedical scientists have revealed that honey contains many components that are very essential for human nourishment and well-being. The following ingredients are contained in honey:
Mineral- corper, manganese, zinc, chromium, nickel, iodine, phosphors silver
Solphor, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium and sodium.
Carborbydines- Fructose, amitace, prostate, glucose, maltose etc.
Acids- Lactic acid, folic acid, citric acid, nicotine acid etc.
Vitamins- A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B12, C4 D & K
It also contains protein, fat and oil. 96
In view of the above, one can better appreciate the reason why the Qur’an describes it as a source of good nourishment to mankind.

(iii) Proven Cases of Honey’s Efficacy
Through long usage and observation, honey has been proved to be efficacious in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. According to Ibrahim B.Sayed, the following diseases can be effectively cured with honey, either alone or in conjunction with other substances, such as lime juice, cow milk, garlic, onions etc in the recommended dosage:
Abdominal Diseases: Gastroenteritis, stomach cancer, dyspepsia, diarrhea,
Constipation, vomiting, abdominal cramp etc.
Pains: Rheumatic pains, waist pain, general body pains etc.
Gynecological cases- menstrual pain, irregular manses, extended menstrual
period, early pregnancy problems, child labour, pre-natal,
antenatal and postnatal care etc.
Pediatric Problems- Teething problem, malnourishment or kwashiorkor, sickle
cell etc.
Urinary Problems- Pains experienced while urinating, bilharziasis Gonorrhea,
bed wetting and V.V.F.
Kidney Problems- Stone in the kidney, diabetes etc.
Heart Diseases -Hypertension, low blood pressure, etc
Chest Related Problems- Chest pain, cough, whooping cough, asthma etc.
Throat Problems- Uvula, throat pimples, throat dryness, impaired voice etc.
Skin and Flesh Diseases- Eczema, skin pimples, burns, wounds, cuts, coarse skin, abnormal growth in the skin etc. 97
It is not however impossible to see some who complain of using honey for treating certain diseases without realizing the desired effect. In response to this kind of people, we want to state that many have been using fake or diluted honey unknowingly in place of pure honey. One must ascertain the purity and originality of the honey he is using before expecting a curative effect. According to a honey specialist, there are three ways of identifying the pure and undiluted honey. The first method is by putting a drop of honey in a cup of water. If it goes down to the bottom of the container without mixing with water, such is pure honey. However, if it dissolves into the water or changes the color of the water, then such is a fake honey. The second method is by dipping the head of a stick of matches into the honey and strike the case with it. If it kindles fire, such is the original honey. If otherwise, it is fake. The third method is by putting the bottle or container of honey on the floor over night. If the bottle is covered with ants, such is fake honey. But if not, its purity is ascertained. Whoever wants to test the efficacy of honey must first ascertain its originality and purity before he can expect any tangible result from its use. Diluted, fake or refined honey cannot be compared with the pure ones nor can one expect the two to produce the same result. Similarly, one must take the recommended dose for a good number of days before he expects a cure. It was in this spirit that the Prophet (S.A.W), in the hadith narrated by said al-khudri, quoted above, repeatedly prescribed honey for a man four times until he was cured. One can now see clearly why the Quran describes honey as containing healing for mankind and the Prophet (S.A.W) mentioned it as first among the best three forms of treatment.
In conclusion, honey consumption is not only recommended in the Qur'an and Sunna. Its benefits have also been highlighted in many writngs of top Muslim scholars, past and present. This has equally been confirmed by many modern health specialists and medical scholars. The internet is replete with detailed information on the benefits of honey to human health. Even, many dietry, fat burning and weight loss programs have honey as one of their components. Therefore, dont forget to include honey in that cup of tea next time you have it. For a comprehensive and step by step information on how you can burn fat quickly and stay fit, click on the link below. Good luck.

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